Fraction Subtraction Questions
Fraction Subtraction Questions. How conversant are you with adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators? Several examples with detailed solutions and exercises.

Subtracting like fractions word problems. Here the fractions have unlike denominators. Convert the denominator to the lcm value by multiplying the numerator and denominator using the same number.
There Are Two Main Methods For Choosing A Common Denominator:
Put the answer over the same denominator. 1 23 − 2 14. From basic to advanced level.
To Get The Same Denominator 8 And 12 Should Be Converted Into 24 By Multiplying The Suitable Multiple To Both Numerator And Denominator.
Subtract the numerators (top numbers). Factor fractions , examples with questions including solutions. If they are same, we can use only one denominator and add the numerators.
Subtract The Top Numbers (The Numerators).
After making the denominators same, we have to put only one. Walk through some of these worksheets for free! Since denominators are same, subtracting the numerators.
These Grade 6 Fractions Worksheets Focus On Adding And Subtracting Fractions And Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators.
Convert the denominator to the lcm value by multiplying the numerator and denominator using the same number. Simplify the fraction (if needed). If two or more fractions are added or subtracted first we have to check the denominators, whether they are same or not.
Fractions (Same Denominator) 15 − 25.
In the case of like fractions, subtract the numerators and write their difference over the common denominator. The cuemath experts developed a set of addition and subtraction of fractions worksheets that contain many questions; A number above the bar in a fraction that tells how many equal parts of the whole are being considered.