Electric Meter Reading Worksheet For Grade 6 Pdf

Reading Meter - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept. Worksheet For Second Grade Reading.

Math 6 Dlp 60 Reading And Interpreting Reading From Electric Meter Watt Physics

Make a sketch of a set of gears that do this.

Electric meter reading worksheet for grade 6 pdf. Fourth Quarter Measurement Meter Reading NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning Material. Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Interpreting Electric Meters and Bills DLP Gr.

PLUG LOAD COST ANALYSIS WORKSHEET 1. 4th Grade Map Reading Worksheet. Grade 6 Electric Meter Reading Worksheet.

159 Downloads Grade 6 - Reading Electric Meter and Water Meter FREE. Record the reading shown by the dials of the electric meter Affective. To find the amount of electricity consumed subtract the previous reading from the present reading.

Because mechanical gears link adjacent dial pointers and turn in opposite directions. Following the instructions write down the readings on the meter reading sheet. The reading is 6 385 kwh.

Reading Worksheet For 7th Grade. Grade 6 Water Meter Reading Worksheet. If the dial is between two numbers choose the smaller number.

Model electric meter drawing of the motor. Second Grade Reading A Map Worksheet. Analyzing and solving word problems involving waterelectric consumption.

4th Grade Reading A. 8th Grade Reading Worksheet. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Electric Meter Reading.

Read the dials on the meter of your house for Monday Sunday. First Grade Reading Worksheet. Use the chart below to figure the current rate of use and current cost to run the plug loads in the audit area.

On the first dial the numbers. Some of the worksheets for this concept are 14 meter reading Reading an electric meter Powersave schools Mww meterreadingwork 310mww meterreadingwork 310 The electric meter a home activity meter reading Ability testing for meter readers Measuring electricity class activity Electricity meter reading. Notice that the pointers on the first third and fifth dial move in the same direction as a hand of a clock.

Record your readings below. The reading of the above electric meter is 6 149 kwh. Visualizing and writing common fractions in decimal form DLP Gr.

Converting unit to another unit of measurement. By reading your own meter you can monitor the electricity you use. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Meter readers 14 meter reading Reading an electric meter Mww meterreadingwork 310mww Understanding meter in poetry Three meter board third grade reading comprehension work Read a water meter and water bill Name reading poetry pure meter.

If its between 9 and 0 choose 9 then reduce the previous number. A free 2-page worksheet on reading electric and water meterCHECK OUT THE OTHER WORKSHEETReading Electric and Water Meter workbook type. Let us compute of the number of kilowatt-hours used given a previous reading from the present reading of 6 385 kwh.

Reading Your Electric Meter student worksheet Background. Try to read it at the same time each day. Read and interpret readings from electric meter Psychomotor.

It helps develop the skill in reading and interpreting readings form electricwater meter. Please login to your account or become a member and join our community today to utilize this helpful feature. 57-75 a private sector-led movement created to help address the many problems of Philippine education was inspired by one of the many disturbing indicators of the state of Philippine education the results of the.

14 METER READING Below is an example of a five-dial electric meter. Subtract the previous day reading from the current reading. 3rd Grade Reading Worksheet Pdf.

Grade 6 Reading Electric And Water Meter By Tvsmath Tpt Families can use meter readings as a challenge to reduce water use. With 2 word problemsCONCEPTS COVEREDReading electric and water meterGetting electricity and water consumedInterpreting electric and water readingsElectricity bill and. BEC PELC IVC11 Materials.

Dial Meter Digital Meter Present reading 19911 53859 Previous reading -17801 -52316. Read and interpret electric meter Reference. Reading and interpreting readings from water meter Lesson guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 6.

READING AN ELECTRIC METER A typical analog dial-type electric meter has five dials. The currency is in Philippine Peso. Water meter reading worksheet pdf.

Application of measurement of volume DLP. From our two examples above this would be. Quickly access your most used files AND your custom generated worksheets.

Meter Reading Estimating Electric Energy Usage 1. Read your meter at regular intervals such as every day. Here is another example.

A workbook type of worksheet on reading electric and water meter. Description A part of lesson guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 6 that focuses on reading and interpreting Electric Meter and Water Meter. When reading your electric meter make sure to.

The second and fourth pointers move in the opposite direction. For a typical electric meter the dials are numbered alternately in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Calvin Oung Created Date.

Knowing how to read and interpret the electric meter at your home can greatly increase awareness of your households energy use and how this energy use is higher on certain days eg laundry day weekends when household members are home all day very cold days. The workbooks development write-shop is also 57-75s contribution to enhancing the reading proficiencies in its pilot sites. 131a Meter reading worksheet can be a printable webpage or a pdf Meter reading worksheet Circle the type of meter you are reading.

Elinzano s three months water meter reading record was 0034 578 0039 789 and 0043 987 and his present reading is 0049 870. 14 meter reading below is an example of a five dial electric meter. To determine how much electricity you have used over a certain period of time simply subtract the previous reading from your current reading.

Wise use of electricity II. 1 Reading and Interpreting Electric Meter I.

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